Monday, July 28, 2014

A Different Direction...

The Robersons!

News flash: Having a child changes your life.  Like completely.  So in the same spirit, I have decided to change things up on the blog a little.  While photography still remains a passion of mine, I haven't been pursuing it as much as I have in the past.  So it will still be an important aspect of the blog, but the focus is going to shift slightly.

Gary and I have many out-of-town family and friends that don't get to spend as much time with the nugget (a.k.a. Levi) as they would like, so I thought it would be nice to post some updates to let them know about the everyday stuff that you miss out on when you don't get to see someone very often.  And with babies, they change so much everyday that there is a lot to miss, so I want to try to include as many people as are interested in how Levi is growing and just generally being awesome!

So the first couple of posts are going to be playing catch up.  I've been keeping kind of a mommy-memoir throughout my pregnancy and since Levi was born.  I won't bore you guys with all the pregnancy stuff (it's mostly just me being sentimental about things I don't want to forget) and we'll get started with the star of the show, Mr. Levi!

Hope you enjoy!

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