Friday, August 1, 2014

The Birth Story

So all the baby websites (and believe me, there are a TON of them) tell you to write down your baby's birth story right away so it's fresh in your mind.  How's the next day for fresh?  So this may have more detail that you really want to know about, but it's happy times so indulge me.  Before we get started, enjoy some of my favorite pics from Levi's birthday (most taken with the iPhone so not the best quality ever).

Post-epidural...I'm feelin' good (thanks Liz for braiding my hair!)

 No words...just feels


Weight check!

Father-son bonding moment

Hello world!!

June 9, 2014

What a day! Started out in the hospital dilated to 3 cm, ended up with baby Levi finally arriving!!

We left for the hospital around 1:30 am when my contractions were 5 minutes apart for an hour straight.  I was really nervous because when I called my doctor's office to tell them, my usual doctor was not the one on call and so of course I was freaking out.  But my ever-patient-calm-wonderful husband was there to reassure me.  And I was proud of him because he drove quickly but safely on the way to the hospital and we made it in about 30 minutes (we had done a practice run that took 35 minutes)!

When we arrived at the hospital Gary prayed for Levi and I to have a smooth delivery and for everyone to be healthy (did I mention I LOVE this man?).  So, we went on up to the 6th floor (I was still able to walk at this point so I haughtily dismissed the wheel chair, like an idiot).  We checked in at the triage station and were put into room 5 at around 2 am.  I continued to have my insides lit on fire contractions but I was only staying dilated to 3 cm so at 9 am they sent us back home (are you freaking kidding me?!?!?).

So I went home ready to kill someone but once again Gary was there to do everything he could for me, and my wonderful mother came by to help take care of me too.  So all you need to know is that I basically writhed in pain all day until I just couldn't take it anymore.  At about 3:30 that afternoon we decided to head back to the hospital.

This time when we arrived I was dilated to 6 cm and I believe my exact words were "thank you Jesus!"  So we were admitted, I got my nifty hospital gown and bracelets and we were ready to go.  However, my brilliant plan of not getting an epidural was shot to hades at this point because I had been having contractions for 20 hours and I was DONE.  So I couldn't get that sucker fast enough.  And once they finally got it done I was ready to party!

By this time mom, dad, and my sisters-Kelly, and Elizabeth had arrived at the hospital so we let them come in and hang out.  We had the most fun!  I know I should have been stressed and worried and nervous but I really was very calm and excited at the same time!!  Everybody was making fun of me because I couldn't move my legs AT ALL.  It was nuts.  I even thought one of my legs was a pillow at one point because it was covered with blankets and I started poking it and said "is this my body?!"  I had no idea!  One of my legs kept sliding off the bed so Gary and Liz were taking turns lifting it up and putting it back.  It was so WEIRD!

So fast forward to about 9 pm.  They decided I had progressed enough to break my water and get the show on the road!  When it was time to start pushing everybody left the room, except baby daddy, and I was ready to do some work!  They told me to take a deep breath and then push for 10 counts and I thought, man I got this!  7 years of playing the flute had definitely prepared me for the breathing thing.  So yeah, I was still feeling good.  I could feel some pressure but no pain and I was just chillin' watching the Braves beat up on the Rockies between pushes.

I had started pushing at about 10:40 and Levi poked his little head out at 11:21!  Just 39 minutes before his due date!  I was so proud of the little nugget.  He did so good!  He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 20 inches long.  He is better than anything I could've hoped for and I'm so proud to be his mommy!  Thank you Jesus for this precious gift!!

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